Chad's Ministries
Contact Chad for more information on any of these ministries.
Chaplain Program
A chaplain provides spiritual and pastoral support for your group or organization. For public safety, chaplaincy involves ministering to victims and their families as well as the responders and their families. For school and athletic teams, as well as industry, it involves ministering to the individuals and families of your group. In particular, Chad has been successful working with groups through motivational/team building talks and activities, establishing peer counseling networks, and working through specific issues that may be affecting your group.
Christian Counseling
Simply put, Christian counseling is Bible focused soul care. Chad adopts the solution focused approach to counseling and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. The goal is to minister to hurting people and help them to move to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability, and spiritual maturity. Counseling can be indicated for individuals, groups, couples, or families based on the unique situation at hand. For public safety, it includes crisis intervention, critical incident stress debriefing, peer counseling, post traumatic stress counseling, and family counseling.
Church Health Consulting
Churches are going through perilous times and are constantly under attack from the outside and unfortunately from the inside. Churches must recognize and respond to the attacks in a manner that glorifies God as well as unifies the body of Christ. While church planting is positive, church division is negative and according to Ephesians 4:30 – anger and disunity grieve the Holy Spirit and stifle God’s presence among us. Sometimes it is best to bring in someone who is not involved in the crisis with a sole focus of promoting church health and unity. Don’t wait until division is reality – at that point Satan has won the battle. Call in spiritual support and know you have a brother in Christ who cares for you and has the specific goal of Christian recovery, reconciliation, and restoration of the body of Christ!
Homeless Mission Project
Starting in Athens, Georgia in a small community known as ‘Tent City’ Chad and Lori began ministering to homeless men, women, boys, and girls through their local church. This ministry expanded and has partnered with In-Touch ministries to provide ‘Messengers’ to share the gospel with the homeless. Sharing the gospel, food, clothing, and meeting other needs all reveal the love of Jesus to these who are often forgotten and neglected.
Mission Trip Coordination
Chad has experience coordinating and leading mission trips both domestically inside the United States and in Mexico. If you are considering a mission trip but don’t know where to start, let us help. It is our goal to fulfill the Great Commission with the Great Commandment. Chad feels most organizations spend too much money on the trip for participants and not on the target group to be reached. With a pastor’s heart, it is his goal to facilitate mission trips and share tips to have a successful trip at the lowest possible cost to your group.
Preaching Ministry
The greatest privilege of a minister is being able to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the lost are evangelized and believers are discipled, Chad prays to continuously be used by God to share messages that penetrates the hearts of people allowing the Holy Spirit to draw them closer into a real, life changing relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!